Monday, February 15, 2010

renegade cats down at the post.

twice now it has come to pass: my customers get their packages, and they are ripped open upon arrival. in one case, ripped open, 3 toys were missing, and then shoddily taped back together again. frankly, i'm bewildered. catnip toys don't really strike me as something someone would STEAL en route; what the eff is a person going to do with a unicorn catnip toy? or are people so insane about their cats that they would steal toys for them from postal packages?

there are only two explanations - one that i like, and one that is logical.

1. there are renegade cats slinking about the post office, intercepting all things smelling of catnip. even without thumbs, they can steal from and then tape back the package (albeit badly). my unicorns and cassette tape toys are now being tossed gleefully around back alleys and dumpsters by strays, and since these cats have never seen such magical things, i am quickly becoming some sort of god in their eyes. awesome.


2. the usps treats their packages like trash, and now i have to tape and box things up in such a fanatical manner that the post office clerk always comments about it (i get the sarcastic "think you've got enough tape on that?" comment a lot). this is the logical and probably correct explanation, but explanation #1 is far better.

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