Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ramblings from the upstairs room.

well, it would appear that as an etsy shop owner, i must be an active blogger to be at all relevant in the etsy universe. i've been blogging (i.e. complaining, fussing, being hypercritical of everything, mostly myself) since 2005 on good old livejournal, but there is no way that will ever be made public, lest i run the risk of alienating all my friends, offending the general public, and maybe getting myself arrested. i'm kidding.

well, kind of.

anyway. livejournal is a private thing, so i've started this blog to publicly ramble on about the adventures of owning and operating an etsy shop. of course, i'll also use this place as an arena for posting about whatever other random things come to mind, because that's fun too. frankly, this whole blog may dissolve into me talking about music and posting photos of my cats, but that also has it's entertainment value. i promise to refrain from using expletives! for the most part.

so welcome. let the stalking begin!

i mean, welcome to my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Ironically (I think), it was through Etsy that I found your blog. Good luck!
